Eyelid Ptosis Surgery

Revitalize your eyes with minimal downtime. Explore ptosis treatment options with Dr. Bryan Costin.

Regain The Vision You Deserve

Discover Eyelid Ptosis Surgery

At Dr. Bryan Costin's Practice, we understand the impact of eyelid ptosis on both your appearance and vision. Our expert team, led by Dr. Costin, is dedicated to providing effective solutions for this condition, ensuring you receive the care and results you deserve.

Understanding Eyelid Ptosis

Regain The Vision You Deserve

Our Approach to Treating Ptosis

  • Initial Consultation: Come in for a casual consultation! We'll talk about your options and the best way forward, whether it involves surgery or a an alternative like using eye drops.
  • Tailored Treatment: We discuss your specific scenario, considering any other eye issues you might have and your desired outcomes.

The Procedure and Recovery


Surgical Solution

Eyelid ptosis surgery is a precise procedure aimed at correcting the drooping of the eyelids.


Recovery Time

Most patients experience a recovery period of approximately seven days, mainly for swelling and bruising to subside. Pain is typically minimal.

Ready to Address Eyelid Ptosis?

If you're experiencing symptoms of eyelid ptosis and seek a change, Dr. Bryan Costin's Practice is here to help. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you in regaining a clear vision and a refreshed look.